Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Beautiful White Christmas.

Well the gifts have been given and all went well. Some need to be resized, which I have to work on today. The others fit great and everyone seemed to love the designs I picked out for them. After making all the bracelets, I finally started to make my own. All the other ones were done with size 11 sead beads. The one I am making for myself is size 8. The larger the number, the smaller the bead. I am also contemplating doing only another bracelet with the top half done in seed beads and the bottom done in chain and maybe some beads linked in between.

My cousin Becky is down visiting and she has a masters in art. She makes the most wonderful jewelry, things I would never imagine doing. I love her style and it is such an inspiration to me. We have been taking walks in the woods here in Southern Oregon and there are so many beautiful colors to be seen. It definitely helps stir the creative juices and helps me think of colors that would look great together. I recently misplaced my camera and my cousin has been nice enough to let me borrow hers. We took some great pictures of the mushrooms around the 7 acres as well the natural alter of Mardrona trees that swell up between the pines. My cousin gave me the most wonderful gift. She lives in the San Juan Islands and Mardrona trees grow in number there. She found some of their berries and stung them on a cotton thread. She then let them dry naturally, and now they are beautiful red and gold beads. They even have a gold undertone to them, which makes them sparkle. I love the idea of making beads and using natural materials. I picked up a leaf from the Mardrona tree while we were out and I am going to use it as a pendant. I will leave pictures later.

Love from The Family!

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